by Luci | Nov 28, 2023 | Default
Environment Southland says it will continue with Plan Change Tuatahi, despite Federated Farmers seeking a pause in the process as the new Government changes direction on some farming regulations. It is the first plan change to the proposed Southland Water and Land...
by Luci | Nov 28, 2023 | Default
Federated Farmers CEO Terry Copeland is saying credit where credit is due when it comes to how the new Government is focusing on farmers and farming early in their reign. He says the Feds should be proud that most of their ideas have been take up by the National Act...
by Luci | Nov 27, 2023 | Default
State Highway Two south of Wairoa is down to one lane – as work continues to clear a slip where a person was killed and another seriously injured in a crash on Sunday. Another weekend of serious rain saw more than 200 mls of rain dumped on the East Coast around...
by Luci | Nov 27, 2023 | Default
A “new era” for energy in New Zealand is underway, with the country’s largest solar installation now generating electricity. Lodestone Energy, NZ’s leading utility-scale solar energy company, began generating electricity at its farm in Kaitāia in late November. It is...
by Luci | Nov 27, 2023 | Default
With the coalition finally sorted last week the weekend offered time to have a think about what changes will happen for farmers. Fed Farmers Dairy Chair Richard McIntyre takes a look at what he thinks the new coalition means for farmers. Richard McIntyre joins Mark...